Use this request to check whether a recipient is registered in the Faster Payment system. If the user is found in the FPS, the session has a successful status, otherwise, the session gets canceled. This operation is free of charge and is confirmed automatically (ready_to_confirm
is not sent).
Request parameters
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
session_id | + | string | Session identifier |
payment_method | + | object | Payout details |
participant_details | + | object | Information on the participants |
Request example
curl -X POST
https://demo.smart-glocal.com/api/v1/fps/customer_verification \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-PARTNER-SIGN: signature' \
-H 'X-PARTNER-PROJECT: your_project_name' \
-d '{
"session_id": "ps_3230",
"payment_method": {
"type": "bank_account",
"bank_account": {
"system_type": "faster_payment_system_verification",
"faster_payment_system_verification": {
"phone": "79261234567",
"bank_id": "100000000069"
"participant_details": {
"recipient": {
"first_name": "Ivan",
"last_name": "Ivanov",
"middle_name": "Ivanovich"
Response parameters
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
status | + | string | Status. Options: error , ok |
session | - | object | Payment session |
error | - | object | Error description |
Successful response example
"status": "ok",
"session": {
"id": "ps_3230",
"status": "in_progress",
"created_at": "2022-03-01T11:57:31.652396Z",
"updated_at": "2022-03-01T11:57:31.861329Z",
"payments": [
"id": "po_31668",
"status": "in_progress",
"created_at": "2022-03-01T11:57:31.895773Z",
"payment_method": {
"type": "bank_account",
"bank_account": {
"system_type": "faster_payment_system_verification",
"faster_payment_system_verification": {
"phone": "79261234567",
"bank_id": "100000000069"
"participant_details": {
"recipient": {
"first_name": "Ivan",
"last_name": "Ivanov",
"middle_name": "Ivanovich"
Unsuccessful response example
"error": {
"code": "error code",
"description": "error description"
"status": "error"