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Payouts to China

Payout parameters

When performing payouts to a bank card, you generally need to specify the following:

  • card number;
  • payout recipient details;
  • payout sender details;
  • payout details: amount and currency.

How to perform a payout to a bank card

payment_method+objectPayout details
 type+stringvalue: card
 card+objectBank card payment details
  type+stringValue: bank_card
  bank_card- (mandatory for payouts to unencrypted bank cards)objectUnencrypted card details
   number- (mandatory for payouts to unencrypted bank cards)stringUnencrypted bank card number
 type+stringValue: encrypted_card
  encrypted_card- (mandatory for payouts to bank cards with tokenized details)objectEncrypted card details
   number_hash- (mandatory for payouts to bank cards with tokenized details)stringCard number hash
participant_details+objectInformation on the payout participants
 recipient+objectRecipient details
  address_line- (mandatory for payouts in USD)stringRecipient's street address. Limited to 256 characters. Important: the city and country must be specified in the following fields. Do not duplicate them here
  city+stringRecipient's city
  postal_code+stringRecipient's postal code
  state+stringRecipient's country state
  bank_name+stringRecipient's bank name, as stated in the Supported banks list
  swift_bic_code- (mandatory for payouts in USD)stringRecipient's bank’s SWIFT or BIC code
  currency+stringRecipient's currency in ISO 4217 format. The value is CNY. Case insensitive
  country_iso3+stringRecipient's bank country code
  full_name+stringRecipient's full name. Can be combined from first_name and last_name in certain cases
  first_name- (mandatory for payouts in USD)stringRecipient's first name
  last_name- (mandatory for payouts in USD)stringRecipient's last name
  email+stringRecipient's email
  msisdn+stringRecipient's mobile wallet address
  identity_document+objectRecipient's identity document
   id_type- (mandatory for payouts in CNY)stringRecipient's identity document type. The value is NATIONAL_ID
   id_number- (mandatory for payouts in CNY)stringRecipient's identity document number. Limited to 18 digits
   id_expiration_date+stringRecipient's identity document expiration date
  description+stringPurpose of remittance for the payout. This description should match the classification given in How to specify a purpose of remittance
sender+objectSender details
  full_name+stringSender's full name in case of individual
  company_name+stringSender's company name in case of business
  registration_number+stringSender's company registration number
  date_of_incorporation+stringSender's company date of incorporation
  country_iso3+stringSender's country code (ISO-3166-1 alpha-3)
  address_line+stringSender's address
  city+stringSender's city
  state+stringSender's state
amount_details+objectPayout amount details
  amount+intPayout amount in decimal format. The value must be greater than zero. If you are sending 100 USD, specify 10000
  currency+stringISO 4217 currency code. Case insensitive


curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-PARTNER-PROJECT: your_project_name' \
-H 'X-PARTNER-SIGN: signature' \
"session_id": "ps_1053680",
"payment_method": {
"type": "card",
"card": {
"type": "bank_card",
"bank_card": {
"number": "4242424242424242"
"participant_details": {
"recipient": {
"address_line": "Green street",
"city": "Washington",
"postal_code": "129164",
"state": "Washington",
"bank_name": "Bank name",
"swift_bic_code": "AXISINBB250",
"currency": "USD",
"country_iso3": "USA",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Johnson",
"email": "",
"msisdn": "33712345678",
"identity_document": {
"id_type": "NATIONAL_ID",
"id_number": "123456789",
"id_expiration_date": "2030-01-01"
"description": "purpose of remittance"
"sender": {
"company_name": "Company name",
"registration_number": "1234567890",
"date_of_incorporation": "2020-11-11",
"country_iso3": "USA",
"address_line": "Wall street",
"city": "New York",
"state": "New York"
"amount_details": {
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "usd"

Bank account

Payout parameters

payment_method+objectPayout data
 type+stringValue: bank_account
 bank_account+objectBank account
  system_type+stringValue: global
  global+objectBank account details
   description+stringPurpose of remittance for the payout. This description should match the classification given in How to specify the remittance purpose
   bank_account_number+stringBank account number for the payout
participant_details+objectInformation on the payout participants
 recipient+objectRecipient details
  full_name+stringRecipient's full name
  address_line- (mandatory for payouts in USD)stringRecipient's street address. Limited to 256 characters
  city+stringRecipient's city
  postal_code+stringRecipient's postal code
  state+stringRecipient's state
  bank_name+stringBank name
  swift_bic_code+stringRecipient's bank’s SWIFT or BIC code
  currency+stringRecipient's currency in ISO 4217 format. Case insensitive
  country_iso3+stringRecipient's country code (ISO-3166-1 alpha-3)
  first_name+stringRecipient's first name. Important: if the name is passed incorrectly, the recipient bank may not accept the payout.
  last_name+stringRecipient's last name. Important: if the name is passed incorrectly, the recipient bank may not accept the payout.
  email+stringRecipient's email
  msisdn+stringRecipient's mobile wallet address
  identity_document+objectRecipient's identity document
   id_type- (mandatory for payouts in CNY)stringRecipient's ID type. Value: ID_NUMBER
   id_number- (mandatory for payouts in CNY)stringRecipient's identity document number. Limited to 18 digits
   id_expiration_date+stringRecipient's identity document expiration date
 sender+objectSender details
  full_name+stringSender’s full name (for individuals)
  company_name+stringSender company name. Limited to 100 characters, cannot contain digits only
  registration_number+stringSender company registration number
  date_of_incorporation- (mandatory for payouts in CNY)stringSender company date of incorporation.
  country_iso3+stringSender’s country code (ISO-3166-1 alpha-3)
  address_line+stringSender's address
  city+stringSender's city
  code+stringSender’s identification code
  state+stringSender's state
  code+stringSender’s identification code
amount_details+objectPayout amount details
 amount+intPayout amount in decimal format. The value must be greater than zero. If you are sending 100 USD, write 10000
 currency+stringISO 4217 currency code. Case insensitive


curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-PARTNER-PROJECT: your_project_name' \
-H 'X-PARTNER-SIGN: signature' \
"session_id": "ps_1053680",
"payment_method": {
"type": "bank_account",
"bank_account": {
"system_type": "global",
"global": {
"bank_account_number": "NUMBER_VALUE",
"description": "purpose of remittance"
"participant_details": {
"recipient": {
"address_line": "Green street",
"city": "Shanghai",
"postal_code": "129164",
"state": "Shanghai",
"bank_name": "Bank name",
"swift_bic_code": "AXISINBB250",
"currency": "CNY",
"country_iso3": "CHN",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Johnson",
"email": "",
"msisdn": "33712345678",
"identity_document": {
"id_type": "NATIONAL_ID",
"id_number": "123456789",
"id_expiration_date": "2030-01-01"
"sender": {
"company_name": "Company name",
"registration_number": "1234567890",
"date_of_incorporation": "2020-11-11",
"country_iso3": "USA",
"address_line": "Wall street",
"city": "New York",
"code": "placeholder",
"state": "New York"
"amount_details": {
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "usd"