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Daily payouts report

The daily report is sent in the XLSX or CSV format to the email address specified in your agreement with Smart Glocal. To receive the reports in another way (for example, via SFTP), please contact our manager.

How to use the report

The report sent by Smart Glocal contains a list of all successful operations for a day (24 hours). You need to check the operations on your side against those in the report.

In case of any discrepancy, contact our support team. The timeframe for making corrections is specified in your agreement with Smart Glocal.

Report file name

<Project name>_YYYY-MM-DD_YYYY-MM-DD

Report fields

No.Field nameFormatDescriptionExample
1operationIdstringSmart Glocal's payment identifier21
2transactionDatestring (date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD H:I:S)Time of payment creation on Smart Glocal's side2024-03-21 23:17:56
3finishedAtstring (date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD H:I:S)Time of payment completion on Smart Glocal's side2024-03-21 23:17:57
4typeOfPaymentstringTransaction type. Options: Advice — a payout; Refund — a refundAdvice
5paymentFastintPayout type (always: 0)0
6paymentSessionIdstringPayment session identifier23
7contractstringNumber of your contract with Smart Glocal100-C-000000
8paymentSessionMerchantMetadatastringAdditional data you passed within the request for the operation{"test_data":"test"}
9paymentMethodIdentitystringPayment instrument (masked card number, account number)420080******8800
10productstringProduct or service identifier according to the agreement with Smart Glocalnew_test_payouts
11grossLocalAmountdecimalAmount of money for which the service is provided (total)110
12paymentLocalAmountdecimalAmount of the payment (request)100
13feesLocalAmountdecimalSmart Glocal's fee (grossLocalAmount - paymentLocalAmount)10
14currencystringThree-letter currency code (ISO)USD
15RRNstringRetrieval Reference Number: unique identifier of the bank transaction12345678